Offres d'emploi reiniging - Bruxelles :   4 jobs

Jobs par e-mail :


Finance & Accounting Manager Brussels

  • Avantages extra-légaux
    • Assurance groupe
    • Voiture d'entreprise
    • Carte carburant / Carte de recharge électrique
    • Chèques-repas
    • Smartphone
    • Ordinateur portable
    • Abonnement internet
    • Bonus de performance
    • Congés rémunérés supplémentaires
    • Travail à domicile
  • Responsible for managing the day-to-day finances of the company in accordance with Belgian law....
  • Organise the accountancy in collaboration with an administrative colleague (including reporting,...

HR Manager

De € 65.000 à € 75.000 par an
  • Managing the recruitment process from discussing the needs of the teams to conducting interviews...
  • Supporting the team in their career development by organising and participating in the annual...

Facility Coordinator Brussels-duplicaat

The tasks and responsibilities of a Facility Coordinator are diverse and challenging. In your role as Facility Coordinator, you are responsible for...

HR Officer

  • Payroll Processing: Efficiently manage monthly payroll processing, including exceptional payroll...
  • Employee Life Cycle: Coordinate the entire employee life cycle (including long-term absences like...
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