Jobs operations engineer:   3 jobs

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DevOps Engineer | Industriële Speler

From € 2.800 to € 4.500 per month
  • Benefits
    • Group insurance
    • Meal vouchers
    • Laptop
    • Eco Cheque
  • Ontwerpen, ontwikkelen en implementeren van containerized applicaties en microservices die worden...
  • Je implementeert GitOps-praktijken met Cloud Native Tools zoals Ansible, ArgoCD, Kustomize,... om...

Process Engineer

  • Conducts comprehensive studies of time and movements involved in operations, utilizing engineering...
  • Actively tracks and evaluates improvements implemented in production processes, utilizing...

Process Engineer BRS

Wat jij zal doenAls Process Engineer voor BRS zal je meehelpen aan het design van de nieuwe Umicore Battery Recycling installaties van de toekomst,...
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