Jobat Custom feed

This document contains all the information required to set-up an custom job feed. For more information, please contact our SUPPORT team: or 02/467.48.35.

General information

Type of feed format XML
Type of transfer FTP, pat  or url
Information to be supplied by the customer in case of an FTP location FTP Username Password XML Authentication Username Password YourClientID
Processing of the files Twice a day 
Job Tag path What is the path of each job. Example: source/job
XML content All jobs. Each language version of a job is to be uploaded as a separate item.
How should modify/delete requests be handled? To modify or update a job, simply remove the job from the feed. Jobs passing the default publication period will be put offline automatically.
Does Jobat accept HTML in the job description? Yes, if the text is embedded in CDATA tags. Be aware of the fact that some of the styling will, be removed automatically.
Default publication period for jobs Depends on the Product Type of the job. (Read more)


Date Change
01/06/2023 Added new field: Drivers Licence (Read more)

List of possible parameters

LanguageID Language of the job. If you send it as a parameter, this will be taken into account. (Read more). No
Anonymous Allows the recruiting company to publish anonymously (Read more) No
Your job ID ID of the job in your application. This is the field where we match new and returning jobs from your feed. Yes
Date online The date the job should go online Yes
Date offline The date the job should go offline No
Product Type To set the publication type under which the transmitted job should be published (Read more) No
Job Title Title of the joboffering Yes
Baseline Small description (just underneath the title) No
Company Name Name of the Company No
Company Description Company description No
Function Description Function description - this parameter can also contain all information about the job Yes
Profile Profile description No
Offer Offer description No
Contact Contact information like a contact person, e-mail address, phone... No
Application URL The URL to the apply form of the customer Yes
Application Email The email address to which the application has to be sent No
Whatsapp Activates the "Apply via Whatsapp" functionality on the mobile website (Read more) No
Functiontype ID Functiontype of the jobposting (Read more) No
SectorID Sector in which the job is being offered (Read more) No
Language Requirements Required language skills for the job (Read more) No
Education Level ID Required education level (Read more) No
Years Experience Experience level required in years - Value between 0 and 50 is required if filled in - Integer No
Part Time Part-time or Full-time (Read more) No
Agency Agency No
Interim Whether it’s an interim job No
FixedContract Fixed contract of unlimited duration No
TemporaryContract Fixed contract of limited duration No
Starter Whether it’s a starter profile No
Student Whether it’s a student’s profile No
Independent Whether it’s an independent profile No
FlexiJob Whether it’s a flexijob No
Internship Whether it’s an internship No
VolunteerJob Whether it’s a volunteer job No
IsInternal Clarify if it's an internal job or external (mainly for interim, agencies) No
Drivers Licences Possibility to add drivers licence (Read more) No
HTML Template Show job in client’s own layout (Read more) Yes
Template Name Name of the template to use. Available template names can be obtained from the Jobat Webmaster. No
Logo Show a logo or not (Read more) No
Logo Name Name of the company logo. Available Logo Names can be obtained from the Jobat Webmaster. No
Region ID Region code where the job is being offered (Read more) No
Zip Code Zip Code where the job is being offered (Read more) No
Address The street name of the location of the job. Example: "Stationstraat". No
Address Number The house number of the location of the job. Example: "14". No
City The city of the location of the job. Example: "Gent". No
Salary Type Use "HOUR", "MONTH" or "YEAR" for your own custom salary input, use "CALCULATE" for the Attentia estimate (Read more) No
Salary Calculate Type This field is required when the field "SalaryType" is set to "CALCULATE". It specifies how the salary is shown (Read more) No
Salary From Fill out this field if you want the salary to show as a "RANGE" or "FROM" (Read more) No
Salary To Fill out this field if you want the salary to show as a "RANGE" or "UPTO" (Read more) No
Salary Fixed Fill out this field if you want the salary to show as a "FIXED" salary.(Read more) No
Salary Benefits This field contains the salary benefits(Read more) No
NacebelCode Possibility to add Nacebel Code No

Language ID

We allow you to publish your job in maximum 3 languages. The LanguageID's are:

1 Dutch
2 French
3 English

Each language version is to be uploaded via a separate item in the xml.


This field needs to be activated if the recruiting company whishes to remain anonymous.

1 The company is anonymous - Company name will not be shown
0 The company is NOT anonymous - Company name will be visible. When Company name is empty, Agency name wille be used.

Language Requirements

The requested language skills needed by the applicant for this job. Multiple languages can be specified comma separated (example: NL,FR,EN,DE).

NL Dutch
FR French
EN English
DE German
ES Spanish
IT Italian
PT Portuguese

For other languages, use the corresponding ISO 639-1 language code. See the list with all language codes.

Function Type ID

Sector ID


For each job posting 1 job credit will be charged. The default publication period for jobs depends on the Product Type of the job. The default publication period for the different Product Types is:

Product Type Site only Basic Basic plus PPP Light network Full network Power network
Default publication 28 days 28 days 40 days 40 days 60 days 60 days 60 days

Date Offline

If Date Offline is not specified, the job offer will be published with the default publication period of the Product Type of the job and 1 job credit will be charged.

  • When the transmitted Date Offline is less than the end of the default publication period, the job will be removed on the forwarded DateOffline. 1 job credit will be charged.
  • If the transmitted Date Offline exceeds the default publication period, 1 extra job credit will be charged for each additional default publication period of the used Product Type.

Note: When an update for a job posting contains a modified Date Offline that exceeds the original publication period, 1 extra job credit will be charged for each additional default publication period.

Regio Zip OR Region ID

You can determine the place of employment by sending a value for "Regio Zip" OR "Region ID".

  • Use Regio Zip or Region ID for jobs with a fixed place of employment in Belgium.
  • Use Region ID for jobs that don’t have a fixed “Place of employment” (so called “Travelling jobs”).
  • Use Region ID "200" for jobs abroad.
  • If more than 1 location is associated with a zip code, the first value will be used.

Fixed place of employment

  • Use the Regio Zip OR the Region ID element for jobs with a fixed place of employment.
  • Regio Zip can contain one single zip code or Region ID can contain one single region IDs marked in green from this list.

No fixed place of employment / travelling jobs

  • Use the Region ID element for jobs that don’t have a fixed place of employment.
  • The Region element can contain one or more values for subregions and/or provinces.
  • Download the list of available regions.

Education Level ID


1 Part time
0 Full time
2 Both

Layout for jobs

Jobat customers can create multiple layouts for their job offers in the Jobat Back Office. <HTML Template> and <Template Name> allow to apply these layouts to the transfered job offer. The selected layout can be different for each language version of the job.

Jobat offers 2 possibilities to define which logo should be shown:

  • The Logo Name if the logo that has to be shown was uploaded via the Jobat Back Office.
  • You can also send us the url on which the logo is available, by adding the url as an attribute.


The Whatsapp field allows you to fill out a phone number linked to a Whatsapp account. If this field is filled out, then the "Apply via Whatsapp" feature is activated on the mobile website, and the "Apply via Whatsapp" button will be shown on the job detail page. This button is not shown on desktop. When the user clicks this button, a Whatsapp chat will be opened automatically. The mobile phone number should be formatted as such: 32494123456 for the number +32 494 12 34 56.


It's possible to add salary information to a job using the following fields.

Note: please respect the order of the following fields. If you add information to the XML, then the order should be respected like this:

Salary Type

The field allows you to customize how the salary is displayed, or whether it needs to be calculated.

Allowed values

  • "HOUR": Will show a salary as per hour, such as "€ 10 per hour"
  • "MONTH": Will show a salary as per month, such as "€ 2.000 per month"
  • "YEAR": Will show a salary as per year, such as "€ 50.000 per year"
  • "CALCULATE": Requires the system to calculate the salary based on several factors. This option requires the field SalaryCalculateType to be filled out.

Salary Calculate Type

This field is required when the field SalaryType is set to "CALCULATE". It allows you to choose how the calculated value is displayed. "RANGE" is the default value.

Allowed values

  • "RANGE": Will show a salary in a range, such as: "€ 2000 - € 3000"
  • "FIXED": Will show a salary as a fixed price, such as: "€ 2500"
  • "UPTO": Will show a salary as “up to”, such as: "Up to € 3000"
  • "FROM": Will show a salary as “from”, such as: "From € 2000"

Salary From

Use the SalaryFrom field to show a salary as a "RANGE" or "FROM".

Salary To

Use the SalaryTo field to show a salary as a "RANGE" or "UPTO".

Salary Fixed

Use the SalaryFixed field to show a salary as a "FIXED" salary. Make sure that the SalaryFrom and SalaryTo fields are empty if this option is selected.


Salary Type Salary Calculate Type Salary From Salary To Salary Fixed Result
HOUR   10 11   € 10 - € 11 per hour
MONTH       2500 € 2500 per month
MONTH   3000     From € 3000 per month
YEAR   50000     From € 50000 per year
CALCULATE RANGE       € XXXX - YYYY per month
CALCULATE FROM       From € XX per hour
CALCULATE UPTO       Up to € XXXX per month

Salary Benefits

It's possible to include benefits to a job by adding these in the "Salary Benefits" field. Icons will automatically show up for the most common benefits. All the id's that should be included in the job posting need to be added to this field. These id's should be comma separated. For example: 101,102,103


Salary Benefits Result
101 Group insurance
101,102 Group insurance Individual hospital insurance
201,202,203,204,301 Company car Petrol card Company bicycle Parking Meal vouchers

All possible benefits

ID Dutch French English
101 Groepsverzekering Assurance groupe Group insurance
102 Individuele hospitalisatieverzekering Assurance hospitalisation individuelle Individual hospital insurance
103 Hospitalisatieverzekering voor familie Assurance hospitalisation pour la famille Family hospital insurance
104 Invaliditeitsverzekering Assurance-invalidité Disability insurance
201 Bedrijfswagen Voiture d'entreprise Company car
202 Tankkaart Carte carburant Petrol card
203 Bedrijfsfiets Vélo de société Company bicycle
204 Parking Parking Parking
205 Tussenkomst openbaar vervoer Intervention dans les frais de deplacement Public transport contribution
301 Maaltijdcheques Chèques-repas Meal vouchers
302 Maaltijdvergoeding Compensation de repas Compensation for meals
303 Geboorte Naissance Birth
304 Huwelijk Mariage Wedding
305 Jubileum Anniversaire Anniversary
306 Sinterklaas Saint Nicolas Saint Nicolas
401 Smartphone Smartphone Smartphone
402 Laptop Ordinateur portable Laptop
403 Internetvergoeding/Abonnement Abonnement internet Internet cost/Subscription
501 Forfaitaire Kosten Coûts forfaitaires Flat-rate allowance
502 Cultuur- en sportcheque Chèques culture et sports Culture and sports cheques
503 Ecocheques Éco-chèques Eco-vouchers
504 Opleiding Formations Training
505 Opvang kinderen Garderie pour enfants Children daycare
506 Medische check up Bilan de santé Medical check up
507 Fitnessabonnement Abonnement fitness Fitness subscription
508 Cafetaria plan Restaurant de l’entreprise à prix réduits Company meals at reduced prices
509 Aanvullend kinderbijslag Allocation familiale complémentaire Additional family benefits
601 Extra-legale vakantiedagen Congés rémunérés supplémentaires Additional paid leave
602 Thuiswerk Travail à domicile Remote work
603 Anciënniteitsverlof Congé d’ancienneté Furlough leave

Product Type

This field can be used to set the publication type under which the transmitted job should be published. This field is not mandatory. If this field is left blank, Jobat will publish the forwarded job according to a standard publication type that is assigned to the client. 

The different publication types are:

Publication Type Publication type value Publication type value
Site only job siteonly 28 days
Basic job basic 28 days
Basic plus job basicplus 40 days
PPP ppp 40 days
Light network job light 60 days
Full network job full 60 days
Power network job power 60 days

Drivers Licences

This field can be used to to show to the candidate which drivers licence is applicable. The value can either be: empty, A, B, BE, C, CE, C1, C1E, D, DE, D1, D1E or G. Multiple values are comma separated.